random android dev/debug notes
filtering logcat with grep
handy aliases to filter out some of the logspam on sony/samsung devices: https://gist.github.com/frals/f9dc3a70628fbdbc6a82
function for aliasing adb -s
if you have more than one android device hooked up and get tired of typing adb -s/aliasing adb in every shell: https://gist.github.com/frals/111fda81ff8e08b3f8ed
usage: android_device 1
changes adb to adb -s DEVICEID, then use android_device 2
in your next shell etc
https inspection made simple
install charles on your machine (charlesproxy.com)
wget http://charlesproxy.com/charles.crt
adb push charles.crt /sdcard/
settings -> privacy -> install from storage -> internal storage -> pick charles.crt
then settings -> wifi -> long tap on the wifi to modify -> modify network -> scroll down -> check “show advanced options” -> change “proxy” to “manual” -> enter your ip and port (8888 is default port for charles)
Reverse engineering apps
new app install from play store:
set your proxy per instructions above
download the app, look for something android.clients.google.com -> drill down to the GET -> right click -> save response as -> save it as app.apk.gz (since its gzipped)
gunzip app.apk.gz
installed app:
install apk extractor (play store) -> transfer to your PC
mkdir tmp
cp app.apk tmp/
cd tmp/
unzip app.apk
- get dex2jar: dex2jar
- extract and add dex2jar to $PATH
d2j-dex2jar.sh classes.dex
- use your favorite java decompiler (eg JD-GUI) and open the jar file. success!
save sources
in jd-gui, open file -> save all sources (useful for later)
unpack “sources” (decompiled, but still decent):
mkdir -p out/src
unzip classes_dex2jar.src.zip -d out/src
making app debuggable
install android-apktool
modified wrapper:
# Alternatively, this will extract any parameter "-Jxxx" from the command line
# and pass them to Java
while expr "x$1" : 'x-J' >/dev/null; do
opt=`expr "$1" : '-J\(.*\)'`
javaOpts="${javaOpts} -${opt}"
exec java $javaOpts -jar "$jarpath" "$@"
decode apk in debug mode:
apktool d -d -o out app.apk
rebuild apk in debug mode:
edit out/AndroidManifest.xml
-> s/debuggable=”false”/debuggable=”true”/ -> saveapktool b -d out
new apk is in: out/dist/app.apk
sign app
# replacing original!
mv out/dist/app.apk .
# first time only:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
# every time
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-key.keystore app.apk alias_name
# optional:
# jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs app.apk
# zipalign -v 4 app-unaligned.apk app.apk
install it
adb install -r app.apk
debugger time!
CAVEAT: only method breakpoints work, so its not superawesome…
- create new project, select “out” as project location, dont create any blank activities etc.. switch view to “project” instead of “android”
- launch android device monitor -> see the app in the list and look at the port in the last column
- create a new run configuration -> remote debugger -> insert port you got in the previous step
- start the session
- set a breakpoint in any of the files in out/src, magic!